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HomeRenew/update your membership


Staying in the saddle

Update your membership information

Moving house?  Changed your email address of phone number?  If you wish to change some information, such as your email or contact phone number, you can do this through your membership profile page.

To access your membership profile, go to the top right-hand corner of the website, log in (if you are not logged in already), then select Profile from the menu beneath your name.

Renew your membership

When your membership is due for renewal, you will receive an email inviting you to renew.  Also, when you log into the Bike North website, you will see a pop-up notification inviting you to renew your membership.

At any time that you wish to renew your membership, you also can do so through your membership profile page.  To access your membership profile, again, go to the top right-hand corner of the website, log in (if you are not logged in already), then select Profile from the menu beneath your name. 


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